Like Little Grenades in the Intestines

Your intestines are the surface where your body absorbs nutrients from digested foods. If it compromised in any way you do not absorb the proper amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

There is a common medicine sold over the counter at virtually any store that when ingested, is like tossing little grenades all over the intestinal tract. It lays waste to small patches of the vili, which are like little creases in the intestines that help absorb nutrients.

The offender? Ibuprofen. Taking an occasional dose for a headache or to bring down a fever is not going to wreck your health. However, taking it even several times a week can damage the gut wall and over time lead to Leaky Gut. This is a condition where the intestinal lining is damaged to the point where large, undigested proteins and other particles that normally would not be absorbed by the body are taken into the blood. This is the underlying cause of many autoimmune conditions because the body is trying to deal with the foreign substances in the blood.

So with this in mind, use ibuprofen and other drugs only when absolutely needed. They can work great in a pinch but are NOT intended for long term use and regular use can end up causing many adverse effects down the road.

Austin EricksonAbout the Author


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