Here is another article by Sandy Kopecky. This little gem is about finding out what works for you and making it… SUSTAINABLE! Fads come and go but in the end its all about making health work for you. Whether its chiropractic care, exercise, diet or whatever it is it won’t do you much good if your not consistent.
This is how you find sustainable health.
In this instant gratification world, commitment seems to have gone by the wayside for many.
We have so much information at our fingertips that leaves us with our head whirling like a toy top that spins out of control.
So what do we do…what information do we listen to….or more importantly…who do we listen to?
Is it our friend that swears by that shake she is drinking that she is losing all that weight? Is it by someone in your “newsfeed” that keeps popping up telling you how healthy they have become by doing this_______?
Is it by something you goggled and it just has to be true…because that is what this “site” states!
The funny thing is that many of us believe (or want to believe) that we are doing something healthy.
One important element is missing …the realm of taking committed action towards themselves and their lives that is sustainable without the yo-yo effect.
If you want to manifest a better life whether it be weight loss, taking control of your thoughts, or that your body is functioning at the best level, the first thing you need to manifest is a strong commitment and seek out those that can actually help you on this journey.
Without commitment, you’re pretty much done as soon as you start to feel frustrated or as soon as your initial enthusiasm or excitement wears off.
If you want to learn more, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Austin.